Welcome to the IACT Learning Hub

Innovations in Addressing Child Trafficking – Costa Rica

Trafficking in Persons

Learn about trafficking in persons and Costa Rica’s anti-trafficking law (Law 9095).

Child Trafficking

Learn about the crime of child and adolescent trafficking and the protection and assistance available for child and adolescent trafficking victims in Costa Rica.

Examples of Child Trafficking

Read and listen to examples of child trafficking in Costa Rica based on real life experiences.

Commonly Asked Questions

Find answers to commonly asked questions about trafficking in persons and child trafficking in Costa Rica.

Victim Protection

 Learn how to refer a child or adolescent trafficking victim for protection and assistance in Costa Rica.

Indicators of Child Trafficking

Download our Indicators handout to learn more about indicators, which are signs and signals that a person may be a trafficking victim.

Directory of Services

Access the Directory of Services, a resource for practitioners engaged in the protection and assistance of child and adolescent trafficking victims in Costa Rica.

Resource Library

Browse through publicly available research and reports on trafficking in persons and child trafficking in Costa Rica.


Learn more about the Learning Hub, a website developed by The Warnath Group Innovations in Addressing Child Trafficking (IACT) Program and funded through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of State.


Use the contact form to ask questions about the Learning Hub’s content or share comments. 

The IACT Learning Hub is a place for you to explore and learn about the following topics:

Trafficking in Persons

Learn about trafficking in persons and child trafficking in Costa Rica.

Victim Protection

Learn how to refer trafficking victims for protection and assistance in Costa Rica.

Resource Library

Access research studies and reports on trafficking in persons and child trafficking in Costa Rica.


The Innovations in Addressing Child Trafficking (IACT) Program is combating child sex trafficking in the provinces of Guanacaste and Puntarenas. The IACT Program works to protect and assist child and adolescent trafficking victims, strengthen the prosecution of trafficking crimes, and prevent the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents.

IACT is being implemented by The Warnath Group from 2020-2025 in close collaboration with the Government of Costa Rica and civil society organizations, through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of State Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (J/TIP). The Warnath Group is an organization specialized in evidence-based programs to address human trafficking, including child trafficking.

The aim of the Learning Hub is to provide information that is applicable to the various real-world roles and responsibilities of Costa Rican practitioners who wish to make a constructive contribution to addressing trafficking in persons and protecting child and adolescent trafficking victims.

Do you know someone who may be a victim of trafficking?

Learn more about trafficking in persons on the Practitioner Platform

Developed by and © 2024 Warnath Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

The development of the IACT Learning Hub was funded through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of State. The opinions, findings, and conclusions stated herein are those of the developers and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Department of State.

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